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Final Conference - Vilnius, Lithuania
Final Conference - Vilnius, Lithuania
12-15 February 2008 Le Méridien Villon
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Future Project Proposal on Geothermal Education and Training
The presentation is intended to start the discussions on building a team to prepare a new project proposal for a series of short courses on different aspects of geothermal energy exploitation and utilization including, but not limited to, EGS.  The proposal should be submitted to the EC under the FP7 Human Potential action.  A significant number of geothermal research projects have already been financially supported by the EC, some of them finalized, many other being now in the final stages, with most of the research activities completed.  The topics of the proposed courses should include the results of as many as possible of these EC funded projects.
Id: 10
Place: Le Méridien Villon
Vilnius, Lithuania
Starting date:
14-Feb-2008   09:20
Duration: 20'
Contribution type: talk
Primary Authors: Prof. ROSCA, Marcel (University of Oradea, Faculty of Energy Engineering)
Presenters: Prof. ROSCA, Marcel
Material: slides Slides
Included in track: Oral Session - Information and dissemination system

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