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  • Theory of natural EM fields in anisotropic and frequency dispersed conductive media;

  • Physical and mathematical foundations of interrelation of seismic and electromagnetic phenomena in porous and water saturated rocks;

  • Algorithms and software packages for numerical modeling of EM fields induced in 3D anisotropic Earth by natural and controlled sources;

  • Methods for 3D EM data interpretation;

  • High resolution subsurface electromagnetics;

  • EM monitoring of geodynamic processes;

  • Regional magnetotelluric studies;

  • MT studies of geothermal and volcanic areas;

  • Marine electromagnetics.





The program package FDM3D-MT is designed for numerical modeling of the quasistationary EM-fields, excited by controlled as well as by natural sources in 3D-inhomogeneous earth (frequency domain).
The next options are available: relief topography; mixed type of the conductivity structure (1D/2D/3D); different 1D-layering at infinities; calculation of EM-fields at arbitrary level in the earth as well as in the atmosphere. Fields of application: MT, AMT, CSAMT.


The program package TRANS is designed for calculation of more than 70 local transforms of the total or anomalous electromagnetic fields, determined in the nodes of the rectangular 2D-grid at abitrary level in the earth or in the atmosphere. Fields of application: MT, AMT, CSAMT.


IMAGE is a menu-driven program package, which provides 3D imaging of the geoelectrical structures, basing on the apparent resistivity data, given at the earth surface for a number of periods.
Fields of application: MT, AMT, CSAMT.


The program package INV3D-MT is aimed for the inversion of the MT-fields or their transforms into 3D-earth.
The next options are available: mixed type of the input data (different field components or their transforms, measured at arbitrary points of the 3D-space for different primary field periods and polarizations); relief topography. Fields of application: MT, AMT, CSAMT.

The program package MT-NET is designed for recognition of the macro-parameters of three-dimensional geoelectrical structure using neuronet-based algorithms. Fields of application: interpretation of MT data in terms of the target macro-parameters.


VIDEO is a menu-driven program package, which provides graphical tools for 3D visualization of the EM-fields and their transforms in the space (X, Y, Log T). Fields of application: MT, AMT, CSAMT.


The program package GRAPH is designed for 2D graphical representation of the EM-fields and their transforms using graphs, maps of isolines, vectors, polar diagrams and pseudosections.

Other Software

NEUROTEMP is a menu-driven program pack for neural network based estimating the underground temperatures using the prior information on the temperature well logs.

EMGEOTHERM is a code for estimating the underground temperatures from surface MT data.

MCS is a code realizing the search for the most correlating subsets of two data sets based on the maximum correlation similitude method.