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Frac Simulation

  • Fracture mechanics codes HSIMU or FRAC for hydraulic fracture propagation simulation under biaxial stress conditions as a function of fluid viscosity and injection rate.

Stimulation Techniques

  • Different to well-developed frac technologies for productivity enhancement in oil and gas industry, geothermal energy exploitation from crystalline or deep fractured sedimentary formation requires the hydraulic stimulation of existing fracture network systems. Existing models are important for hydraulic injection test evaluation which require realistic input informations. On the other hand, simple analytical model codes as developed by MeSy allow a first analysis of injection tests as a quality control. Low rate injection tests are being used as pre-stimulation.







  •  MeSy code PERM to derive in-situ rock permeability data from pressure decay data by an inversion type curve matching technique;
  • Itasca codes FLAC/UDEC for numerical modeling;

  • MeSy fracture mechanics codes HSIMU or FRAC for hydraulic fracture propagation simulation.