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Rock Mass Permeability

In-situ permeability is an important parameter for geothermal energy exploitation. While in permeable sedimentary formation permeability of the reservoir rock can be tested by simple injection or pressure fall-off tests, impermeable or HDR rock formations require testing of specific borehole sections characterized by fractures which act as hydraulic valves. In such cases double-packer tests are suitable. The near wellbore hydraulic conductivity can be derived from low pressure pulse tests, the rock mass conductivity from systematic step-rate tests, using existing type curve matching techniques.


Laboratory Testing

  • density, porosity

  • permeability under confining pressure up to 200 MPa

  • ultrasonic velocities according to ISRM standard 1977

  • uniaxial strength and deformability according to ISRM standard 1978

  • shear strength according to ISRM standard 1974

  • hydraulic tensile strength under confining pressure up to 200 MPa

  • fracture toughness according to ISRM standard 1988

  • thermal conductivity by divided bar method, specific heat, thermal diffusivity.





  • borehole autoclave for testing logging tools up to 200 MPa/200°C (ID 150 mm, length 6 m);

  • servo-controlled compression testing machines up to 200 tons;

  • servo-controlled fracture toughness test apparatus for 3-point bending;

  • divided-bar thermal conductivity test apparatus;

  • ultrasonic velocity test system;

  • acidization test system for corrosion testing on steel or rock samples;

(sample preparation)

  • diamond sawing, drilling and polishing capacities for test sample preparation;

