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Mid-Term Conference - Potsdam, Germany
Mid-Term Conference - Potsdam, Germany
9-12 January 2007 GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
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Dissemination of geothermal knowledge has played a major
role in ISOR´s and 
its forerunners activities for long time. It has contributed
considerably to the 
great success of geothermal energy utilization in Iceland
where almost 90% of 
houses are geothermal heated, about 17% of the electricity
and half of the 
primary energy consumption is from geothermal.  
Within Iceland, the dissemination activity of Iceland
GeoSurvey (ISOR) can be 
divided into four groups. These are web-based activities,
use of mass media 
and printed material, participation in meetings and teaching
activities.  The web-
based dissemination include at least weekly update of news
from ISOR´s 
activities and how it relates to the society in Iceland. The
mass media is aware 
of the web page so a publication there sometimes leads to
further publications 
in newspapers, radio or TV. The second web based activity
includes the 
geological data viewer named “Gagnavefsja”. It is operated
in close co-
operation with the National Energy Authority (NEA) and
contains an open 
internet access to large parts of NEA´s and ISOR´s data
bases on geology and 
energy issues in Iceland. It is both in Icelandic and
English.  Publications of 
printed material, books and newspaper articles and
interviews are widely used 
to make the public aware of the possibilities and importance
of geothermal in 
our society. ISOR and NEA issued last year a comprehensive
book of the 
history, technical aspects and development of the geothermal
sector in Iceland. 
This book was last year appointed to the national price for
excellent books. 
ISOR´s staff participates each year in numerous conferences
and open 
meetings in local societies, clubs and organisations. ISOR
also has good 
relation to universities and high schools were our experts
held courses and 
give lectures.

Outside Iceland ISOR participates actively in dissemination
of geothermal 
knowledge through education, development aid, participation
in international 
organizations, meetings and conferences and publication of
scientific papers on 
geothermal energy. In addition ISOR assist our ministries in
their dissemination 
activities abroad. The most important activity is the United
Nations University 
Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP) which has been run
in Iceland since 
1979. It is financed mainly by our ministry of foreign
affairs, run by NEA but 
about 60% of all the training activities are provided by
ISOR. Yearly over 20 
geothermal fellows from the developing countries participate
in a 6 month 
intensive geothermal course in Iceland and 6-9 complete also
a 2 year MSc 
studies in geothermal sciences. The UNU-GTP has been
extremely successful in 
world-wide capacity building in the field geothermal. In
addition UNU-GTP has 
recently started geothermal short courses for decision
makers in developing 
counties with geothermal potential.  Recently the Icelandic
development aid has started a geothermal dissemination
programme in Africa 
and Central America where ISOR´s experts play significant
role. ISOR also 
participates in international organisations where we use
every opportunity to 
promote geothermal energy. These include IGA, EuroGeoSurvey,
geothermal implementing agreement, the ARGEO initiative and
participation in 
the steering committee of the EU´s framework programmes.
Furthermore ISOR 
is active in participations in geothermal conferences and
workshops worldwide 
and last but not least ISOR is a minor shareholder in the
Icelandic company 
Enex Ltd and assist it a lot with its geothermal promotion
Id: 34
Place: GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam
14473 Potsdam
Room: Building H, auditorium and seminar rooms
Starting date:
12-Jan-2007   12:20
Duration: 15'
Primary Authors: Dr. FLOVENZ, Olafur (ISOR)
Co-Authors: Ms. JóNSDóTTIR, Brynja (ISOR, Iceland GeoSurvey)
Presenters: Dr. FLOVENZ, Olafur
Material: slides Slides

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