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Increasing policy makers' awareness and the public acceptance - Athens, Greece, Workshop6
Increasing policy makers' awareness and the public acceptance - Athens, Greece, Workshop6
13-14 September 2007 Hotel Holiday Inn, Athens, Greece
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The Workshop 6 "Increasing policy makers' awareness and the public acceptance" organized by CRES, took place from 13-14 September 2007 at Hotel Holiday Inn, Athens, Greece.

The material of the workshop is available below on the page. Details about the contributions including slides are available via the left hand side menu following "Contribution List" or "Author index".


In bibliography, each abstract will be referenced as the following example: UNGEMACH P., 2007. Policy makers' awareness and public acceptance on geothermal projects in the Paris Basin. From Kontoleontos E. (eds.) 2007, in Workshop Abstracts of the Engine Workshop 6 " Increasing policy makers ’awareness and the public acceptance ", 13-14 September 2007, Athens, Greece. ISBN 978-2-7159-2991-3 Orleans, BRGM Editions. Collection Actes/Abstracts. ISSN 1773-6161.


19th Km Marathon Avenue, 19009 Athens, Greece

Telephone: +30210-6603300
Fax: +30210-6603301

Dates: from 13 September 2007 09:00 to 14 September 2007 18:30
Location: Hotel Holiday Inn, Athens, Greece
50 Michalacopoulou st, 11528, Athens
Room: Cosmos B, C
Chairs: Dr. Karytsas, Constantine
Material: Announcement
Book of Abstracts (3.4 MB)
Gallery (rar file, 25.4 MB)
List of Participants
Workshop summary

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