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Risk analysis for development of geothermal energy - Leiden, The Netherlands, Workshop7
Risk analysis for development of geothermal energy - Leiden, The Netherlands, Workshop7
7-9 November 2007 Naturalis-National Museum of Natural History
email support
Increasing policy makers’ awareness and public acceptance
It is widely accepted that the geothermal energy is a versatile renewable energy source that is among the cleanest of the commercially viable technologies available today. Towards this direction, there has been a lot of scientific substantiation. Regardless of this positive opinion the development of geothermal exploitation has not followed the pace of the development as most other “alternative” energy sources have had. An important reason is that many geothermal projects face strong opposition from politicians, neighbouring communities or environmental pressure groups. This is the main reason which has led to a global tendency for geothermal companies to develop their own policy and their own social responsibility.
The goal of the geothermal community is to make policy makers aware of the need of a strategy by examining the policy that should be followed in order to eliminate any social opposition, analyzing the reasons for the generally weak social acceptance, and identifying possible solutions for changing the situation. 1) The initial phase of project development, 2) the environmental impact, 3) the public acceptance, 4) the political acceptance and 5) the technologies that are used for the geothermal energy applications are the main aspects that affect the success of the geothermal projects.
Nowadays successful geothermal companies and governments are trying to develop their own policy and their own social responsibility during development of new geothermal plants. The policy that these companies and these governments have successfully followed should be taken into account as a positive example for all the geothermal community (case study of Paris Basin, of Mt. Apo National Park in Mindanao in Philippines, in El Salvador by LaGeo company, in Larderello - Italy). As far as it concerns the case of Milos and Nissyros islands in Greece, there have been studies in the area of Geothermal energy which concentrated to the recording, processing and evaluation of data that structure the relation between geothermal development and local community. This public survey covered a major sample of the two societies and multiple parts in the subject of geothermal energy and configured a frame of self-examination that can constitute the creative base for the development of geothermal applications with assistance of the local society.
Id: 11
Place: Naturalis-National Museum of Natural History
The Nederlands
Starting date:
08-Nov-2007   16:30
Duration: 30'
Contribution type: talk
Primary Authors: Mr. KARYTSAS, Constantine (CRES)
Presenters: Mr. KARYTSAS, Constantine
Material: slides Slides

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