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Risk analysis for development of geothermal energy - Leiden, The Netherlands, Workshop7
Risk analysis for development of geothermal energy - Leiden, The Netherlands, Workshop7
7-9 November 2007 Naturalis-National Museum of Natural History
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The Workshop 7 "Risk analysis for development of geothermal energy", organized by TNO took place from 7-9 november 2007 at Naturalis National Museum of Natural History in Leiden, the Netherlands.

The material of the workshop is available below on the page. Details about the contributions including slides are available via the left hand side menu following "Contribution List" or "Author Index".


In bibliography, each abstract will be referenced as the following example: LEDRU P. Technical and socio-economic risk evaluation for the development of the geothermal energy in Europe. From Simmelink E., Van Wees J.D.& Bonté D. (eds.) 2007, in Actes/Proceedings of the Engine Workshop 7 " Risk analysis for the development of geothermal energy", 7-9 November 2007, Leiden, The Netherlands. ISBN 978-2-7159-2992-0. Orleans, BRGM Editions. Collection Actes/Proceedings. ISSN 1773-6161.


TNO Built Environment and Geosciences
PO box 80015 3508 TA, Utrecht, The Netherlands

tel: +31(0)302564931

Dates: from 07 November 2007 19:00 to 09 November 2007 18:00
Location: Naturalis-National Museum of Natural History
The Nederlands
Chairs: Dr. VAN WEES, Jan-Diederik
Dr. Bruhn, David
Dr. Genter, Albert
Dr. Karytsas, Constantine
Material: Announcement
Book of abstracts
List of participants
Workshop summary

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