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Launching Conference - Orléans, France
Launching Conference - Orléans, France
12-15 February 2006 BRGM, Orléans, France
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Promotion of the geothermal energy through education and training
After a brief overview on topics related to geothermal taught in some higher education
specialisations, the paper presents the known geothermal and training possibilities
organised in Europe, including some information on how these are financed.
In the end, the paper identifies some topics which are missing or could be improved
in the future to allow for a better promotion and development of the geothermal
energy utilisation in the future, with a special focus on enhanced geothermal systems.
Id: 52
Place: BRGM, Orléans, France
3, avenue Claude-Guillemin
45060 Orléans cedex 02
Room: Auditorium
Starting date:
15-Feb-2006   12:15
Duration: 15'
Contribution type: Talk
Primary Authors: Prof. ROSCA, Marcel (University of Oradea, Faculty of Energy Engineering)
Presenters: Prof. ROSCA, Marcel
Material: paper Paper
slides Slides
Included in track: S6 - Session 6

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